

Posted in: Concrete
Mar 20, 2009 - 3:57:54 PM


1. Place your order for concrete with enough time, plan your order with 2 or 3 days in advance, remember that we have a lot of customers who are just as important as you are, that way we can assist you better and provide the service you deserve.

2. Provide us with the correct information. It is very important for us to know who we are talking to, your name is very important as well as your complete address, with a greater amount of detail in order to be able to identify your construction site.

3. Provide us with the characteristics of the concrete you are requesting, this is the part where we have to be very specific as to what we are requesting, the clarity in the communication of the person providing the information as well as the clarity of the person receiving the information is vital to everyone.

4. Remember to talk about resistance, the size of the aggregate, the shrinkage, the element to be set, the slab to set (if that is the case), if you require a pump and the type of pump you would require, as well as the delivery intervals you require in the programming of your setting.

5. If you require a special type of concrete, mention the characteristics of such concrete and please be sure to confirm that the data taken by the Sales Order Processing and Planning Personnel are correct since the quality of the service we provide depends on the information we process.

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