Architectural concrete offers a wide range of uses since it can be manufactured in different colors and/or aggregates, thus it can be used in wall finishing, columns and pavers and slabs to be hammered (bush hammered), colored flooring and architectural concrete finishing in general.

Architectural concrete can be hammered, brushed, washed and stamped. It can be used on walls and slabs with a faux finish, thus helping you reduce the labor costs of painting and finishing.

It is available in: White, Red, Yellow, Blue, Ocher and Gray.
Compression resistance is adapted according to the eestablished requirements.
The maximum total quantity of aggregate can be: 10.20 and 40 mm.
Shrinkage (settling) can be higher than 12cm.
Meets the requirements established in Norms NMX-C-155 and NMX-C-403 of the Complementary Technical Norms of the G.D.F.